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our story

We always knew we wanted to adopt, but after two years of struggling with unexplained infertility, and going through six rounds of infertility treatment, our plan to adopt has become our present reality. 

We are tremendously blessed to be surrounded by supportive and loving friends and family. It is through their encouragement that we started Everett Charles Co. to come closer to achieving our dream of having children. 

Adoption is expensive and requires that we humble ourselves and fully depend on the Lord to provide. As “planners”, this is a little terrifying, but we are excited to see God work in our lives. 


Thank you in advance for your prayers, love and support!


COmpany name

The company name, “Everett Charles”, is representative of our future babies. We combined a girl name and a boy name that we like, to remind ourselves that God knows these babies and He will provide our family. We don’t know how or when, but we have faith that He is able and He is in control. 

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